Volunteer Opportunities
Are you a teen looking for volunteer opportunities?
Explore available opportunities if you are entering Grades 6-12.
Please note that volunteers will not be working directly with children.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form online: Volunteer Form
You will be contacted by the library once your form is received.
Project Guidelines:
Have fun, be creative, and use your imagination!
Be clear and concise, quality video, PG language use.
Videos must contain original content, or use Free for Commercial Use with Creative Commons licenses. This includes videos, images, and music.
Some virtual projects may be posted on the library website and/or library social media accounts. You must sign a media release form to participate in these projects.
Submit Your Completed Work
Submit completed projects from the form located here: Submit Work
1. Write a review
Write a review or make a video of a book, eBook, movies, video games, manga and series, etc.
Rate on 1-5 stars (5 being the best)
Reviews should be a one paragraph summary of the book and a one paragraph regarding your personal response with specific examples to support praise or criticism.
Minimum length of review = 5 sentences of 1 minute video
2. Read Alikes List
Create a list or make a video recommending titles similar to something you've read/watched, or make a list based on a theme.
For example, if you like The Hunger Games, you may live Divergent. Include title and author, and image files of books.
​Minimum length = 10 item list or 1 minute video
3. In-Person Volunteering
Volunteer for 1 hour per week helping out with projects in the library. These opportunities are subject to availability and typically last 3-4 months.
Let's Work Together.
Questions? Email the Adult Services Librarian: emily.chen@rivervale.bccls.org