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Library Policies

Borrowing Items

A valid library card is required to borrow materials from the library's collection. The BCCLS online catalog allows you to request items from all the members of the BCCLS libraries for pickup at the River Vale Library. Late items are charged at the rate of 15 cents per item per day, beginning February 1, 2013. The maximum late fee for items is $5.00. Members of a household may have their loan privileges blocked when one member of the household is seriously delinquent. Patrons who have lost library materials or return them in a damaged condition will be charged the standard BCCLS rate for the item. For more information, check out The Power of your Library Card

Borrowing Items
Internet & Computer Policy

Internet & Computer Policy:

The River Vale Free Public Library offers public computers and unfiltered internet access to patrons as part of its mission to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the educational, cultural, and informational needs of the community. The internet contains an enormous variety of material and opinions from varied points of view. It offers access to many valuable local, national, and international sources of information. However, some information found on the Internet may be inaccurate, incomplete, dated or offensive to some individuals. The library has no control over the information accessed through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content.

As with other library materials, restriction of a child's access to the internet is the responsibility of the parent or guardian.

The Library uses a reservation system to ensure that computer use is fairly allocated among all patrons. Access is on a first come, first served basis. Those with BCCLS library cards may use the computers for up to 120 minutes per day; additional time may be available if no other patrons are waiting. Those without BCCLS Library Cards may access computers with a one-day guest pass for up to 60 minutes per day; additional passes may be issued if no other patrons are waiting.

The Library’s network is an unsecured, unfiltered network. Secure online activity cannot be guaranteed and therefore transactions, financial or otherwise, files, and communications are vulnerable to unauthorized access. The Library will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages related to the patron use of the library's computers or internet service.

Do not misuse computer equipment or software. Misuse includes but is not limited to:

  • Viewing illegal or prohibited material

  • Engaging in illegal activities

  • Hacking into library or other computer systems

  • Mishandling, damaging, or attempting to damage computer equipment or software, including tampering with computer settings.

  • Interfering with system operations, integrity or security.

  • Attempting to gain or gaining access to another person’s files or authorization codes, passwords, or login credentials.

  • Harassing others in an online environment.

  • Violating copyright laws and software licensing agreements

  • Eating, drinking or horseplay around computer workstations

  • Ignoring, disregarding or refusing to abide by staff direction regarding the enforcement of this policy

Any vandalism, damaging or destructive behavior, or illegal activities may result in police action as well as suspension of library privileges and those parties may be held financially responsible for repairs and replacement.

Intellectual Freedom: The Library endorses the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read, and the Freedom to View statements. However, the Library is public space. As such, the display or transmission of explicit graphics or materials that are obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors on any computer or device on Library grounds is prohibited.

The library reserves the right to end an internet session, including those on patron laptops, at the discretion of the librarian on duty.

Confidentiality: In accordance with New Jersey State Law and the Library’s Privacy Policy, the Library recognizes the need to protect library users’ right to privacy regarding questions asked, materials borrowed, and information obtained through the Library and Library services. This extends to the use of electronic resources.

When a computer session is ended, all information about the session is automatically deleted upon system restart. The Library does not, as part of its regular practice, retrieve or store any information, including websites visited, passwords, credit card numbers, or login information. At the end of the business day, only minimal data necessary for statistical reporting is retained.

Wireless: Wireless Internet access is available on Library property for those who have wireless-compatible devices. An open public network, the Library cannot guarantee the security of any data transferred over the network. No special usernames, passwords or other credentials are required to access this network. This service is free and there are no time limits for using the wireless network on a patron-owned device. Staff may provide limited assistance, but will not configure or change advanced settings on a patron’s device.

Wireless users are encouraged to take appropriate precautions if planning to use the library wireless network, including installing anti-virus, internet security software and a personal firewall to protect their device and confidential information. Use of the wireless network is at the risk of the user and the Library disclaims any and all liability for any damage to a patron’s hardware or software.

Updated by Library Board 9-22-2021

Collection Management Policy

Collection Management Policy:


Purpose of the Collection Management Policy

The mission of the River Vale Public Library is to provide accessible services and resources to meet the informational, educational, cultural, artistic and recreational needs of its residents. Physical and digital collection resources are vital in achieving this mission. 


The purpose of the Collection Development Policy is to provide guidelines for the selection, acquisition, and deaccessioning of library materials and the acceptance of gifts. Additionally, the policy provides a vehicle for the continuous evaluation of the library collection as a whole.


Intellectual Freedom

The River Vale Library firmly supports the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. As a testament to this support, the library also supports intellectual freedom and adopts the following statements as the foundation of this Collection Management Policy: The American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read, and Freedom to View Statements.


A person’s right to privacy serves as the foundation for intellectual freedom. Due to the importance of privacy in excising the First Amendment Rights of an individual, the River Vale Library protects the confidentiality of library user records including materials read or viewed as stated in the American Library Association Bill of Rights (Article VII) and codified in New Jersey Statute (N.J.S.A 18A:73-43.2). 


The library seeks to build a collection reflecting a wide range of viewpoints, including those on controversial or debatable subjects. The existence of an item within the collection does not imply an endorsement by the library of the author or creator’s viewpoint. No title is excluded on the basis of moral, racial, religious, or political prejudice.


The choice of Library materials by users is an individual matter. Responsibility for the reading/viewing choices of children and young adults rests with parents or legal guardians. While a person may reject materials for himself/herself/themselves and for his/her/their children, that person cannot exercise censorship to restrict access to the materials by others.


Community Needs

River Vale is a small township in northeastern Bergen County, NJ in the Pascack Valley region. Residents vary in age, ethnic background and educational and economic levels, with a growing diversity that extends to neighboring communities. Due to the close proximity to neighboring towns and the library’s participation in the BCCLS Cooperative for resource access, sharing and reciprocal use, the River Vale Library may also consider the needs of those communities.

The Library acknowledges that every individual has information needs that are important and specific to that individual. However, the library has limited physical space and financial resources with which to respond to those needs. Therefore, not every item that is available or requested can be acquired. 


Delegation of Authority

The Library Director bears the responsibility of interpreting and executing this policy. The Director may then delegate the authority for collection management to designated staff based on their professional training, expertise, experience, knowledge of the collection, and knowledge of the library budget and space limitations.


Through collection management, the library seeks to:

  • Encourage life-long learning by offering accessible services and materials on a broad range of topics to people of all ages.

  • Provide resources that meet the diverse needs and interests of residents

  • Ensure subject areas contain materials that are current, accurate, and reliable

  • Curate materials of varying viewpoints.

  • Participate in the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS) and the New Jersey Interlibrary Loan program to allow for the sharing of resources with other libraries throughout the state.

  • Responsibly maintain a diverse and accessible collection of resources while working within assigned budgeting of public funds and the physical limitations of library space.


Collection Management

Materials Selection

To meet the diverse informational, educational, cultural, artistic, and recreational needs of its residents, the library offers access to materials for all ages. 


Collections may change according to popular demand and available funding. The allocation of public funding for collection development is determined by the adoption of the annual library budget by the Library Board. 


Access to materials may be acquired in multiple ways, including but not limited to: outright purchasing of materials, donations, subscription services, and metered or leasing models. Due to the natural wear of physical items, finite publication runs, and the purchasing/subscription models for digital content, the library cannot guarantee perpetual access to all items. 



As part of the mission to provide resources to further the many needs of our community, the Library acquires materials in a variety of formats, both digital and physical. Material formats include but are not limited to: 

  • Print – Both regular and large print books, newspapers, magazines, some ephemera and other documents

  • Optical media for visual and audio content

  • Non-traditional lending items like Technology Hardware and museum passes

  • Digital – Databases, downloadable and streaming content

As available formats change over time, the formats purchased may change to meet the evolving needs of the community.


Selection Tools

As a customary trade practice, library staff depend on reliable selection aids during the consideration process of library materials. These resources include but are not limited to: professional journals, trade publications, reputable Internet sources, publisher promotional materials, inspection of materials during seller visits, and subject bibliographies. Positive reviews in one or more of the library review journals such as Library Journal, School Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, Booklist, Publishers Weekly, a national or local daily paper, or a well-regarded online source will improve an item’s chance for selection.



The Library does not generally add independently published items. This can include materials that are self-published/produced, unless those items have strong local connections and would be suitable for local circulation.


The Library seeks to collect popular materials on a reading level suitable for the general public. As such, the Library does not typically acquire or have available textbooks or other academic works. Some scholarly materials may be available for interlibrary loan from within the State or as digital access through the State Library.


General Criteria

The River Vale Public Library selects materials for the collection in accordance with professionally accepted guidelines and its mission statement. The Library will make every attempt to represent a variety of viewpoints on current and historical issues. The presence of a material item in the collection is not an endorsement of a particular belief or view.

Materials are selected based on a variety of criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Demonstrated or perceived interest, need or demand by library users

  • Contemporary significance, popular interest, or permanent value

  • Quality, including accuracy, timeliness, clarity and suitability of the format for lending

  • Reputation, interest in, or significance of the author, publisher, creator, performer, or issuing body

  • Need for materials reflecting all sides of issues

  • Provide support to the general curriculum of local schools

  • Reviews in professional literature or patron request

  • Availability within the Cooperative

  • Price and budgetary limitations; value of a resource in relation to its cost

  • Relation to other materials in the collection


Collection Scope

In pursuit of its mission, the River Vale Library collects a broad range of content in numerous genres for all age groups. For ease of access, the Library organizes materials in three overarching subsections:

  1. Adult Materials – Adult collections are managed to meet the general recreational, cultural, and information needs of the adult community. These materials tend to be popular, rather than scholarly.

  2. Young Adult Materials – Young Adult collections are managed to meet the recreational, cultural, and informational needs of middle school and high school populations. Resources of the entire library are available to young adult patrons. Any limitations to be placed upon reading/viewing materials of the young adult is left to the discretion of parents or guardians.

  3. Children’s Materials – Children’s collections are managed to meet the recreational, cultural, and informational needs of all children from birth through middle school. Some items may be included that may not be considered appropriate by all adults for all children. Though some materials are too mature for one child, other children may be ready for them. Resources of the entire library are available to juvenile patrons. Only a child and his/her/their parent or guardian can decide what material is suitable for that child to read.

  4. Special Collections – The River Vale Library has in its possession a collection of archival materials related to the U.S.S. Enterprise CV-6 and other local history interests. Due to space and staffing limitations, the library may not be able to acquire, accept, curate, or preserve all materials for addition to these collections. The Library Director will make all decisions regarding additions to and management of all special collections on a case-by-case basis.



Deaccessioning and Evaluation of Library Materials


The Library engages in an on-going collection evaluation program to ensure library collections continue to meet the needs of the community, this collection policy, and the library mission. Evaluation tools may include but not be limited to circulation reports, shelf availability, staff reports, user suggestions, and other statistical reports.



The criteria for the deaccessioning of materials (weeding) is similar to those used for selection as selection and weeding are parts of the same process. An active and on-going collection management program that includes both selection and weeding are vital to the relevance, health, and accessibility of library collections. Professional staff evaluate the collection using these guidelines in conjunction with current industry practice. Guidelines are not a replacement for professional judgement, common sense, and local needs. 


General criteria considered during the deaccessioning process include but are not limited to material usage, physical condition, quality and availability. In addition to this general criteria, the library may consider other industry guidelines such as the CREW/MUSTIE method: Misleading, Ugly (condition), Superseded (newer edition), Trivial, Irrelevant, Elsewhere.


Challenging Library Resources

The River Vale Library selects resources using established criteria and with full consideration of varying age groups, backgrounds, and needs of patrons. All individuals have the right to choose which Library resources they use, and no one has the right to restrict the freedom of others to read or view what they wish. No resource is automatically removed from the collection because of an objection to it.


Requests for Reconsideration and Removal of Library Resources may only be filed by River Vale Residents who hold an active River Vale Library Card. Library Card Holders requesting reconsideration and removal of resources may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form, which is available at the Library or online. Only fully completed forms will receive a response. 


Upon receipt of the formal written request, the Director will consult with staff regarding the resource in question. The Director may consult with outside professionals in the field for further information regarding the resource’s relevance to the subject area.


After reviewing this information, the Director will respond in writing to the person who initiated the request for reconsideration. The Library Board of Trustees will be notified of all requests for reconsideration of resources and disposition of their requests.


In the event that the Resident Library Card Holder is not satisfied with the decision of the director, he/she/they may appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees by making a written request to the Library Board President. Upon receipt of the request, the Board may place the issue on the agenda. The Resident Library Card Holder who initiated the request will be notified of the time and place of the Board meeting. The Library Board reserves the right to limit the length of presentation and the number of speakers at the meeting.


After hearing the reconsideration request, the Board will determine whether the request has been handled in accordance with this Policy. The Board will then consider information provided by the Library Staff, the Resident, and the Decision of the Director. The decision of the Board of Trustees shall be final.


Items previously reviewed and retained by the Library Board shall not be reconsidered for removal. The library will not label, sequester, or alter materials because of controversy brought forth by this reconsideration process.

Amended by the Library Board - May 18,  2022

Gifts and Donations

Gifts and Donations

The River Vale Library gratefully welcomes gifts and donations that further the Library mission.
However as a public entity with staffing and spatial limitations, the Library must strive to make
decisions that are in the best interest of the Library and the local community in accepting or
declining gifts or donations.

Gifts and donations will only be accepted by the Library if they meet the following terms:

  • Align with the mission and vision of the Library

  • Are unrestricted, or if restricted, given in reasonably broad and flexible terms

  • Grant permission to the Library to apply the gift to a related purpose if the designated purpose is no longer practical or necessary

  • Impose no undue financial, spatial, or other burdens on the Library


Any gifts or donations that do not follow these terms may be accepted or declined at the discretion of the Library Director and/or the Board of Trustees. Once a gift is accepted by the Library, that gift shall be final and its disposition will be determined solely by the Library.


Staff may not accept items of substantial value from patrons for their personal benefit. Small gifts of nominal value, such as food, may be accepted for the enjoyment of the entire staff. If a staff member is given a cash gift during the execution of their duties, that gift must be recorded as a donation to the Library. Staff members given prohibited non-monetary gifts must bring the matter to the attention of the Library Director.

Monetary Donations
Unrestricted monetary donations are gratefully accepted and will be used in accordance with this Gift Policy, the Collection Development Policy and the Library’s mission. A donor may request that their contributed funds be spent on a general subject area, topic, or type of material, and, if possible, the Library will honor that request. Library staff will select specific
titles, programs, or services based on the guidelines of current library policies and the library’s mission.
Restricted monetary donations may be accepted on the condition that any restrictions are clearly aligned with the Library’s mission and policies. Restricted monetary donations in excess of $5,000 may only be accepted with the approval of the Board of Trustees after consultation with the Library Director and the donor regarding suitable projects for the donation.
The Library will issue a letter of acknowledgement for all monetary donations.

Non-Monetary Donations
New and Gently Used Materials: The Library may accept donations of new or gently used books and other materials in good condition that were published within the past five (5) years. Exceptions may be made for items and materials that clearly focus on River Vale and its history or are of high local interest. Decisions to add any item to the collection rests solely with the Library Director or designee based on a determination set forth in the Collection Development
Policy. All donated materials become property of the library and may be added, sold, or disposed of at any time and in any manner deemed appropriate by the library.


Tangible Gifts: The Library may accept donations of tangible gifts including art, decorations, furnishings, and equipment. As the Library is not a museum, gifts of items for permanent display or preservation are not normally accepted.


All donors should discuss the donation of tangible gifts with the Library Director before bringing or sending any items to the Library. Decisions to accept tangible gifts are made by the Library Director. Criteria for the decision include but are not limited to need, space, impact on staff time, expense, and frequency of use. If a gift is accepted, the donor must sign a Deed of Gift
and relinquish all claims towards the donated item. Gifts shall be final with no restrictions on Library ownership, possession, use, or disposition. Gifts will not be returned to the donor.


Upon request, the Library will issue an acknowledgement for non-monetary gifts but cannot establish or appraise a monetary value for the donation.

Approved by the Board of Trustees, June 21, 2023

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy:

The staff and trustees of the River Vale Free Public Library recognize the need to protect library users’ privacy regarding resources utilized in the library setting. In accordance with the American Library Association Code of Ethics (1995) Section 3: “We protect each library user’s right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.” 

The records of patron use of library resources, materials or services are confidential per the laws of the State of New Jersey:
Library records which contain the names or other personal identifying details regarding the users of libraries are confidential and shall not be disclosed except in the following circumstances:
a. The records are necessary for the proper operation of the library.
b. Disclosure is requested by the user; or
c. Disclosure is required pursuant to a subpoena issued by a court or a court order.

All records concerning library users and information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted by users are confidential and will not be made available to any agency of the federal, state, county or local governments or to any other person unless a court order or search warrant requiring disclosure has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction or persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the River Vale Free Public Library.

As River Vale is a member of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS), information pertaining to our library users and materials may only be located at the cooperative’s headquarters in Hackensack, New Jersey. In addition, as a member of a cooperative, requests for information regarding materials may affect all BCCLs libraries. Along with its member libraries, BCCLS considers user privacy to be of paramount importance. For information about how BCCLS maintains user privacy and legal notices please refer to the home page of the BCCLS website under "About BCCLS - Policies & Legal Noticse" located at:

In providing information pursuant to a court order, the library shall follow the following procedures:
1. Any requests for information regarding a library user are to be referred to the Library Director, or designee, who will explain the library’s policy and New Jersey law.
2. If the library staff member is presented with a subpoena, he/she is to refer the presenter to the Library Director/designee, who is to contact the township’s attorney to verify its validity and advise the library of what action to take.
3. If the library staff member is presented with a search warrant from a law enforcement officer, he/she is not to interfere with their search and seizure. The staff member is to contact the Library Director, or designee, as soon as possible, that a search warrant has been served so the Director can ask the officer to allow them to consult with legal counsel and to ask that the township’s attorney be present during the search. Whether or not the law enforcement official agrees to await the arrival of counsel, the township’s attorney shall be contacted. Library staff shall not interfere with a search conducted with a search warrant. A search warrant must be specific as to the information requested. Information outside of the scope of a search warrant should not be released.

USA Patriot Act

As a public institution, the River Vale Free Public Library is legally required to comply with information requests pursuant to the USA Patriot Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act, P.L. 107-56, Oct 26, 2001).

Under the USA Patriot Act, the person whose records are subject to a search warrant may not be notified that a search warrant has been served. A supervisor or the township’s attorney may be contacted without a violation of the act. Staff shall not inform anyone else of the existence of the search warrant. In either case of a subpoena or a search warrant, records shall be kept of all legal requests and all costs incurred by the Library (including additional staff time and replacement of equipment).

The USA Patriot Act permits the FBI to get a search warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to retrieve library usage records of someone who is under investigation of involvement in an ongoing terrorist or intelligence investigation. Please note that the USA Patriot Act requires a search warrant and not a subpoena. A search warrant can be executed immediately upon service. 

Approved by the Library Board 11-18-2015

Library Use Policy

The River Vale Public Library (the “Library”) welcomes and supports our community by
providing informational, educational and cultural resources in a safe and pleasant environment
that is conducive to reading and learning.

This Library Use Policy (the “Policy”) applies to conduct inside or abutting the Library,
including the building and the surrounding land and curtilage, which shall encompass the front
grounds, rear grounds, side grounds, online venues, and any appurtenances or accessories that
are owned by the Library (together the “grounds” or “premises”).

Every Library patron shall have the right to use the Library undisturbed. A patron shall be
defined as any person in/on Library grounds and/or using Library facilities, resources or services.
Every Library employee shall have the right to work without undue interference. An employee
shall be defined as any person, whether compensated or a volunteer, that is under the direct
control and/or supervision of the Library and is not a patron. It is the goal that all Library
patrons and employees be free of any threat of harm, invasion of privacy, gross indignity, or any
other type of reasonable discomfort and embarrassment.


To maintain personal safety, preserve a peaceful and pleasant environment and to protect
Library facilities and holdings, all patrons shall abide by the following rules of conduct:



1. The Library building and grounds, resources and equipment may not be used to

participate in any illegal or prohibited activity. Patrons shall not violate any Federal,
State, County or local statute or ordinance while on the premises. Violators will be
subject to punishment as defined in the applicable statute or ordinance.
2. No person shall destroy, deface, deliberately misplace, or steal any materials, or property
belonging to the Library, another patron or employee. Additionally, no person shall
modify, repair, or alter any library materials, equipment, furniture, or property without
express permission from Library administration.
3. All Library material(s) or equipment being removed from the premises must be properly
checked out. Library employees may inspect any briefcases, handbags, backpacks, fanny
packs, messenger bags, packages, or any other type of non-transparent item/container to
assure its contents are in compliance with Library policies (N.J.S.A. 2c:20-14). All
Library material(s) shall be returned in accordance with the terms of the loan.
4. While on Library grounds or in Library online environments, no person shall engage in a
violent or disorderly manner, which shall include but not be limited to:

a. Inhibiting the orderly use of the Library by patrons or employees;
b. Creating a public disturbance, including running, pushing, shoving, bullying,
fighting, making unreasonable noise, and blocking the free movement of others;
c. Use of slurs and other abusive language;
d. Engaging in unruly, harassing, intimidating, threatening, violent, or disruptive
conversation or conduct;
e. Sleeping;

f. Being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances;
g. Possessing and/or selling alcohol or controlled substances;
h. Engaging in sexual activity, contact or assault or any act of lewdness of exposure
prohibited by N.J.S.A. 2c:14 through 2c:14-8, and any other physical contact or
sexual activity which is inappropriate in a public place;
i. Using computers and devices to display explicit materials that are obscene,
pornographic, harmful to minors, or in violation of law or Library policy;
j. Possessing or brandishing any type of weapon, unless authorized by law.

5. Use of any electronic devices in a manner that disturbs others is not allowed. The use of
cell phones is permitted, provided such use does not disturb others. Cell phones should be
silenced/on vibrate, or in the instances sound may be required, headphones should be
used. Conversations on cell phones should be limited and only occur in appropriate areas
on the premises.
6. Library furniture, equipment, and materials may be used only for their intended
functions. No person shall climb on or place their feet or shoes on furniture, sit on the
arms of chairs, or lie down on furniture. Furniture shall not be moved without the express
permission of Library employees. Outside furniture may not be brought into the Library.
7. The Library is a public place and as such the Library cannot serve in the place of parents,
guardians or custodians, or act as a daycare or sanctuary. Caregivers and attendants that
are responsible for individuals or minors are to remain available and accessible for the
personal and/or special needs of those entrusted to their care while on the premises. No
person shall leave children under the age of 10 or any other person who needs care
unattended on Library premises. The Library shall not be held responsible or liable for
any consequences of caregivers forfeiting their responsibilities.
8. Food is not permitted in the Library, with the exception of designated areas. Drinks in
covered or lidded containers are permitted. No food or drinks are permitted near public
computer terminals.
9. While sports equipment may be kept on the person of any patron, use of sports equipment
in the Library when such use constitutes a danger to the public or Library employees is
10. No person shall smoke, vape, aerosolize or consume any form of tobacco, nicotine,
hashish, cannabis or CBD products while on the Library premises. This shall include, but
not be limited to, the use of cigarettes, cigars, joints, edibles, electronic
vaporizers/cigarettes and pipes.
11. Intentionally or recklessly vandalizing, or inappropriately using, any Library facility is
prohibited. Restrooms must be used for their intended purpose and are not intended to be
used as a laundry, bathing or gathering area.
12. All persons entering the Library building shall wear proper attire, including shirts,
bottoms and shoes. At times, like during Public Health Emergencies, the Library may
have additional patron dress requirements for use of the public space, such as but not
limited to facemasks or face coverings, and all persons shall abide by said postings for
entry. If any person’s bodily hygiene is so offensive as to constitute an obvious nuisance

to others, they may be asked to leave the building in the discretion of the Library
13. Patrons are permitted in those portions of the Library facilities that are open for public
use. Members of the public may not enter areas of the building designated ‘staff only’
except when accompanied or directed by a library employee.
14. Only service animals, service animal trainees, and animals featured in organized
programs are permitted inside the Library.
15. All motorized and non-motorized vehicles, bicycles, scooters, or any other kind of
transportation shall be parked outside the building in designated areas. Roller-skates,
rollerblades, and skateboards/longboards may not be used anywhere on the premises.
These restrictions do not apply to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) assistive
devices or to baby strollers/carriages.
16. No person may film, photograph, or interview within the Library unless authorized by
Library Administration.
17. All public computer and Library network users must comply with the Computer and
Internet Use policy. Unauthorized use of the Library’s computer hardware, software
and/or network is prohibited.
18. Distributing literature, gathering signatures, soliciting contributions or conducting
surveys for any purpose on Library grounds without authorization from the Library
Director is prohibited.


(The Library Director may make additions/revisions to these rules with Library Board
ratification taken at the next scheduled Library Board meeting)



Procedure for Suspension/Revocation of Library Privileges

Library patrons engaged in unacceptable behavior may be subject to immediate loss of
Library privileges and possible legal proceedings, which may include police intervention and
arrest. Repeat offenders will be subject to suspension or revocation of Library privileges. Such
actions will be conveyed by the Library Director through a written notice, to be delivered in
person within the Library and/or be sent by certified mail to the patron’s last recorded address.
Patrons who wish to appeal their loss of privileges may submit a written letter of appeal to the
Library Director within ten (10) days of the Director’s notice. Written appeals will be forwarded
to the River Vale Library Board of Trustees to be discussed at the next regularly scheduled
meeting. All decisions of the Library Board are to be considered final.

Approved by the Library Board 11-15-23

Library Use Policy
Unattended Children Policy

Unattended Children Policy

It is not the library's intention to seek out unattended children (I), but rather to have a response prepared when a problem presents itself. For the protection and well-being of children who visit the library the following policy has been established. 
1. Children under the age of ten may not be left unattended in the building. During library programs, the parent or caregiver who does not attend the program with the child must remain in the building and must be visible when their child returns from the program. Community groups who utilize the library's Community Room for scheduled meetings/programs are the responsible caregivers for the children participating in the activity.
2. Staff will immediately try to locate the parent or caregiver of any child under the age of ten left alone in the building. Township Police may be notified when parents or caregivers of unattended children cannot be contacted or located within a reasonable amount of time (15 minutes or less).
3. Children, age ten and over, are welcome to use the library unattended but should not be left alone for extended periods of time. They will be expected to act in accordance with all of the directives regarding proper behavior in the library (see Library Use Policy). The library is not a child care center and cannot legally function as such (NJSA 30:5B-1-15) (II). It is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to be accessible, at any time, to pick up the child who has become anxious or disruptive in the library. If a parent cannot be located the police will be notified as that child will be considered to be abandoned (NJSA 9:6-1, et seq.) (III). 
4. One half hour before closing time, staff will approach all youth who are in the building to ascertain that they are aware of the library's closing time and that they have transportation home. Those needing rides may use library telephones to call home.
5. Two staff members will wait with any child who has not been picked up by closing time. If, after 15 minutes, the child is still left unattended, the Township Police will be called to assist. 


  1. An UNATTENDED CHILD is defined as any child under the age of 18 using the public library and facilities unaccompanied by a parent or caregiver.

  2. NJSA 30:5B-1-15 prohibits the library from functioning as a childcare center unless licensed by the State of New Jersey.

  3. NJSA 9:6-1, et seq. prohibits parents from endangering the welfare of children.

Approved by the Library Board May 2019

Community Room Policy

Community Room Policy: 

General Principles 


Use of the River Vale Free Public Library Community Room (“Community Room”) is primarily for  library programs. When River Vale Free Public Library (“Library”) activities are not scheduled,  governmental, educational, non-profit, and community groups engaged in educational, cultural,  intellectual, charitable, or social activities may schedule meetings in this room. The Community Room  shall not be available for individuals, private social gatherings, or commercial purposes.  


“Group” shall be defined as an assemblage of two (2) or more individuals for a unifying purpose.  “Meeting” shall be defined as any gathering of two (2) or more persons to be held for a professional  purpose. The Library Director shall have sole discretion in determining whether a proposed use  satisfies any of the aforementioned definition(s) and make any exceptions in their discretion. Any  applicant may appeal said decision, if denied, in accordance with River Vale Library Board policy. 


Library business supersedes all other use of the Community Room. The Library reserves the right to  cancel a scheduled use of the room at any time should it be determined that the space is needed fora Library related function or any type of weather or public emergency. Should the Library opt to cancel  a scheduled use, notice to the applicant shall be provided as soon as practicable. 


All children’s groups must be supervised by an adult (over age eighteen (18) at all times. Children's  groups using the room will need one (1) supervising adult for every ten (10) children in attendance. 


No use of the Community Room shall be permitted that will, or is anticipated to, interfere with effective  use of the Library by the general public or the regular operation of the library.  


Township of River Vale (“Township”) residents and organizations are given priority for use of the  Community Room. 


Applicants for use of the Community Room must be at least twenty one (21) years of age. However,  applicants may assign an adult over age eighteen (18) to supervise any children’s groups that are  approved.  


The Community Room may be used only during scheduled Library business hours. All meetings must  be scheduled to end fifteen (15) minutes before the library closes. 


All meetings and gatherings shall be open to Library staff and members of the public. 


It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide any necessary technology equipment. Any use of  equipment that interferes with Library operations or which creates any losses or liabilities for the  Library is strictly prohibited. Furniture may not be brought into or removed from the Community room  space without the approval of the Library Director. The Township of River Vale, Library Board of  Trustees and Library employees assume no responsibility or liability for the loss, theft, or damage of  any property of any group, individual, or organization using Library facilities. 


The consumption of alcoholic beverages, any type of smoking/vaping, and gambling is strictly  prohibited on Library grounds and inside the Community Room. Additional prohibited conduct 

includes commercial activities, such as but not limited to, engaging in the sale, marketing, or  solicitation of goods or services, as well as fundraisers of any kind or for any cause. A group,  however, may conduct nominal collection of dues from its members. The Friends of the Library  organization is exempt from the prohibition on marketing, sales, games of chance, and fundraising  activities. 


Fire regulations must be observed at all times. Doors to the Community Room must remain unlocked  when in use. Flammable materials may not be used for any purpose while on site.  


All Library policies apply to the use of the Community Room by all attendees. The most recent  policies can be found on the library website at Any group using the  community room assumes full responsibility for the activity for which permission is sought to use the  room, including the conduct of all individuals. 


The applicant, by accepting use of the Community Room, agrees to hold the Township of River Vale  and River Vale Library Board, along with their officers, agents, representatives, volunteers, servants, employees and/or officials (elected or otherwise) harmless from any and all claims, lawsuits, loss,  damages or other liability (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in any manner related to the use  of the Community Room.  


The Library does not advocate for, nor endorse, any specific viewpoints expressed by Community Room users. Individuals and groups using the Community Room shall refrain from using advertising  or publicity that implies that their programs are sponsored, co-sponsored, endorsed, or approved by  the Library. In no case shall the Library assume responsibility, credit or liability for audience  development for a specific meeting room use or program, unless otherwise expressly agreed to prior. 


Applications and Scheduling 


For the Friends of the River Vale Public Library: The Friends of the Library may apply for use of the  Community Room and applications will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Limitations on  the number of meetings per year do not apply. The Friends may reserve the Community Room up to  twelve (12) months ahead of the reservation date, but not sooner. 

For all other groups: Application for use of the Community Room will be honored on a first-come, first served basis. To encourage the broadest possible use of the Library’s space, the River Vale Library  Board sets forth the following room use parameters: 

  •  No more than twelve (12) reserved dates in a year by any organization. 

  •  Permission to use Community Room space is not transferable.  

  •  The room may be reserved up to three (3) months ahead of the reservation date,  but not sooner.  

Cancellations: Groups who wish to cancel their room reservation shall inform the Library of such no  later than the day before the scheduled event. Failure to notify the Library of a cancellation or a no show for a scheduled event may result in the rejection of future Community Room use applications.


Room Set Up and Clean Up 


Applicants are solely responsible for Community Room setup and for returning all furniture and  Library property to their original location. Limited use of the staff kitchen is permitted for the  preparation of light refreshments, but cleanup is required. No undue burden shall be placed upon  Library staff for any cleanup. Failure by an applicant to clean up may bar the applicant from applying  to reserve the Community Room in the future or subject the applicant to non-compliance policies.  


Use During Public Health Emergencies 


During times of public health emergencies, additional policies and requirements may be added to  ensure compliance with federal, state, and local operation requirements. The Library Board reserves  the right to adopt stricter policies within the confines of the law than those minimally required by said  authorities.  


Non-Compliance With Library Room Use Policy 


The use of Library facilities is a privilege that can be revoked by the Library Board or the Library  Director, as its designated representative, for failure to comply with policy or directives from  authorized Library personnel. At any time, the Library Director, or supervisor in charge, may conclude a meeting that has become disorderly or is in violation of Library use policy. 

Applications may be rejected and previously granted permission may be withdrawn for such  violations. Permission to use Community Room space may be denied to any group or applicant that is  uncooperative, disorderly or disregards Library regulations. 

Anyone wishing to appeal a decision to deny permission must appeal in writing to the Board of  Trustees. Any appeal would be included on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board  meeting. 

Amended by the Library Board of Trustees 11/15/2023

Small Conference Room Policy

Small Conference Room Policy



Use of the River Vale Free Public ESL Conference Room (“conference room”) is primarily for library
functions including, but not limited to, English Language Learning tutoring through the Literacy Volunteers
of Pascack Valley. When library activities are not scheduled in the room, individuals over the age of 18,
and small non-profit groups (up to 12 individuals) may apply to use the room for meetings, short video
conferencing, or test taking. All children’s groups must be supervised by an adult at all times. The
Conference Room shall not be made available for social or commercial purposes.

“Meeting” shall be defined as any gathering of 2 or more persons to be held for a professional purpose.
“Short video conferencing appointments” shall be defined as teleconferencing appointments regarding
health, finances, legal discussions, job interviews or other similar appointments with industry professionals.
“Test taking” shall be defined as the taking of any standardized test administered through an educational or
governmental organization. The Library Director shall have sole discretion in determining whether a
proposed use satisfies any of the aforementioned definition(s) and make any exceptions in their discretion.
Any applicant may appeal said decision if denied in accordance with River Vale Library Board policy.


It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide any necessary technology equipment. Any use of
equipment that interferes with library operations or which creates any losses or liabilities for the Library is
strictly prohibited. No furniture may be brought into or removed from the Conference room space. The
Township of River Vale, Library Board of Trustees and library employees assume no responsibility or
liability for the loss, theft, or damage of any property of any group, individual, or organization using library


Library business supersedes all other use of the ESL Conference Room. The library reserves the right to
cancel a scheduled use of the room at any time should it be determined that the space is needed for a
library related function or any type of weather or public emergency. Should the library opt to cancel a
scheduled use, notice to the applicant shall be provided as soon as practicable.

No use of the meeting room is permitted that will interfere with effective use of the library by the general
public or the regular operation of the library.


As the room is located in the main area of the library, noise levels in the room must be kept to a minimum.
Any technology being used shall be kept at the lowest possible volume that does not cause a detriment to
the purpose of the approved meeting and/or use. Any necessary conferencing among parties using the
room shall be kept at a low and respectful tone at all times.


All library policies apply to the use of the conference room by all individuals, including other parties on any
teleconference call. The most recent policies can be found on the library website at


The ESL Conference Room may be used only during normal library hours and must end 15 minutes before
the library closes.


All Township of River Vale residents and groups are given priority for use of the conference room.
The consumption of alcoholic beverages, any type of smoking/vaping, and gambling is strictly prohibited on
library grounds and inside the conference room. Additional prohibited conduct includes commercial
activities, such as but not limited to, engaging in the sale, marketing, or solicitation of goods or services, as
well as fundraisers of any kind or for any cause. The Friends of the Library organization is exempt from the
prohibition on marketing, sales, games of chance, and fundraising activities.


Fire regulations must be observed at all times while on site. Flammable materials may not be used for any
purpose while on site.


Any individual or group using the conference room assumes full responsibility for the activity for which
permission is sought to use the room, including the conduct of all individuals participating in any


The applicant, by accepting use of the conference room, agrees to hold the Township of River Vale and
River Vale Library Board, along with their officers, agents, representatives, volunteers, servants and
employees and/or officials (elected or otherwise) harmless from any and all claims, lawsuits, loss,
damages or other liability (including attorney’s fees) arising out of or in any manner related to the use of
the ESL Conference Room.


The library does not advocate for nor endorse any specific viewpoints expressed by ESL Conference
Room users. Individuals and groups using library meeting rooms shall refrain from using advertising or
publicity that implies that their programs are sponsored, co-sponsored, endorsed, or approved by the
library. In no case shall the library assume responsibility, credit or liability for audience development for a
specific meeting room use or program, unless otherwise expressly agreed to prior.



English Language Tutors through the Literacy Volunteers of Pascack Valley: Tutors should coordinate use
of the room with the Library’s ESL Coordinator to guarantee space availability. Limitations on the number
of meetings per year do not apply. Room reservations are approved on a first-come, first-served basis.

For the Friends of the River Vale Public Library: The Friends of the Library may apply for use of the Library
ESL Conference Room and applications will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. Limitations on
the number of meetings per year do not apply. The Friends may reserve the conference room up to twelve
(12) months ahead of the reservation date, but not sooner.


For all other individuals/groups: Application for use of the ESL Conference Room will be honored on a first-
come, first-served basis. To encourage the broadest possible use of the library’s space, the River Vale

Library Board sets forth the following room use parameters:

No more than twelve (12) reserved dates in a year by any one person or organization.
Permission to use library meeting space is not transferable.
The conference room may be reserved up to three (3) months ahead of the reservation
date, but not sooner.

Cancellations: Groups and individuals who wish to cancel their room reservation shall inform the library of

such no later than the day before the scheduled event. Failure to notify the library of a cancellation or a no-
show for a scheduled event may result in the rejection of future conference room applications.



Applicants are solely responsible for conference room setup and for returning all furniture and library property to their original location. No undue burden shall be placed upon library staff for room cleanup. Failure by an applicant to clean up may bar the applicant from applying to reserve the conference room in the future or subject the applicant to non-compliance policies. 




The use of library facilities is a privilege that can be revoked by the Library Board or the Library Director, as
its designated representative, for failure to comply with policy or directives from authorized library
personnel. At all times, the Library Director or supervisor in charge may end a meeting that has become
disorderly or is in violation of library use policy. Applications may be rejected and previously granted
permission may be withdrawn for such violations. Permission to use library conference room space may be
denied to any applicant that is uncooperative, disorderly or disregards library policies. Anyone wishing to
appeal a decision to deny permission must appeal in writing to the Board of Trustees. Any appeal would be
included on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Approved by the Library Board – October 18, 2023

Library of Things

Library of Things Policy

River Vale Free Public Library - Library of Things Lending Policy


In addition to commonly known library materials/items, the River Vale Public Library offers for loan a variety of non-traditional items such as, but not limited to, tools, electronics, kits and other materials/items. This policy will apply to the borrowing of all materials/items classified as Library of Things (LoT), which shall be handled with reasonable care at all times. All borrowers shall be subject to the express representations in the User Agreement. 

Eligibility: Pursuant to the User Agreement, all borrowers must be River Vale Library cardholders over the age of eighteen (18) and in good standing with the Library (i.e. no unpaid fines or overdue books/materials/items).


Lending Terms:

  • Items are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Items are checked out and returned in-person at the River Vale Library Circulation Desk. 

  • No materials/items may be returned to the book drop or to another library.

  • Materials/items must be returned completely and packed exactly as they were lent. 

  • Materials/items may be borrowed for up to two (2) weeks/fourteen (14) days and are non-renewable.

  • Internet mobile hotspots can only be borrowed one (1) time per month per household.

  • Limit of one (1) LoT material/item per borrower at any given time. 

  • To be eligible to borrow a new material/item, the material/item currently being lent must be returned in the condition set forth in these terms. 

Borrowers should review materials/items before their return to ensure that all pieces, components and instructions are included. Material/item details can be found on the Content List. All returned materials/items will be inspected by a Library staff member. If a material/item is returned damaged or in an unusable condition, the borrower may be barred from borrowing any future materials/items from the LoT. This may be a temporary or permanent restriction and is at the sole discretion of the Library Director.



  • Overdue Fees are $1.00 per day up to a maximum of $10.00

  • A $10.00 fee will be charged if an item is returned in the book drop or to another library.

  • The Library reserves the right to add a replacement charge to the borrower’s library account/card for any missing or damaged parts of a material/item upon its return. If the Library is able to readily and easily replace a missing or damaged part, the charge shall be at the cost per replaced part. If the Library is unable to repair or acquire a replacement part and the material/item is no longer usable, the full replacement cost of the material/item shall be charged to the borrower’s library account/card. Replacement costs will be listed on each LoT item.


NOTE: This is a lending program ONLY. Library staff are not available for instruction or specially trained in the use of LoT materials/items. Detailed instructions will be provided to the borrower upon checkout. 


Approved by Board of Trustees – May 2024




Roku User Agreement

Guidelines for Borrowing and Use Outside of the Library
Patrons must be 18 years of age or older and must read, understand, and sign this agreement at the Circulation Desk in the presence of a library staff member each time a Roku device is checked out.

A valid River Vale Public Library card must be presented at the time of checkout.

Patrons must be in good standing with the library, with a current address on file and no fines above $5.

Rokus may be checked out for 14 days with no renewals. Upon return of a Roku, a cardholder may not borrow another Roku for seven (7) days.

Roku MUST BE RETURNED TO A STAFF MEMBER AT THE CIRCULATION DESK, and NOT placed in the indoor OR outdoor book drop.


Fines and Liability
The overdue fine for the Roku and its components is $1.00 per day, up to $10. Any Roku not returned after 30 days will be assumed lost and charged the full replacement cost. 

Patrons will be charged $5 for Rokus returned to an indoor OR outdoor book drop. Patrons will be charged $5 for Rokus returned to another library.

The Roku should be kept in a temperature controlled environment; DO NOT leave it in your car.

The patron is responsible for costs associated with loss, theft, or damage of the Roku and/or peripherals.

Abuse of the Roku program will result in a loss of borrowing privileges.





Guidelines for Borrowing and Use Outside of the Library
Patrons must be 18 years of age or older and must read, understand, and sign this agreement at the Circulation Desk in the presence of a library staff member each time a Mobile Hotspot is checked out.

A valid River Vale Public Library card must be presented at the time of checkout.

Patrons must be in good standing with the library, with a current address on file and no fines above $5.

Mobile Hotspots may be checked out for 14 days with no renewals. Upon return of a WiFi hotspot, a cardholder may not borrow another WiFi hotspot for seven (7) days.

Hotspots MUST BE RETURNED TO A STAFF MEMBER AT THE CIRCULATION DESK, and NOT placed in the indoor OR outdoor book drop.


Fines and Liability
The overdue fine for the Hotspot and its components is $1.00 per day, up to $10. Any HotSpot not returned after 30 days will be assumed lost and charged the full replacement cost. 

Patrons will be charged $5 for Mobile Hotspots returned to an indoor OR outdoor book drop. Patrons will be charged $5 for Mobile Hotspots returned to another library.

The Mobile Hotspot should be kept in a temperature controlled environment; DO NOT leave it in your car.

The patron is responsible for costs associated with loss, theft, or damage of the Mobile Hotspot and/or peripherals.

Abuse of the Mobile Hotspot program will result in a loss of borrowing privileges.



Museum Passes

Museum Passes

General Information:
The River Vale Public Library Museum Passes Program is sponsored through generous donations by the
Friends of the River Vale Library.

Borrowing a Pass:
River Vale Public Library Cardholders in good standing may borrow Museum Passes. Passes may be
reserved online or by speaking with Adult Services Staff. Patrons must be at least 18 years of age. All
passes are issued on a first come, first served basis. One pass per cardholder is permitted at a time.

All passes may be reserved 30 days in advance.

Patrons must present the library card which was used to make the reservation at pick up.

When picking up a physical pass, patrons must sign an acknowledgement that they have received a copy of the lending terms.

Museum Passes must be returned in-person to a Library Staff Member.

Physical Passes lending period is for 3 days and 2 nights.

Printable Passes are reserved for a single date of use; no return is required for printable passes

Museum Passes are non-renewable.

If a patron is unable to borrow a reserved pass, the patron must cancel the reservation in advance. Cancellations can be made through the online portal or by contacting an Adult Services Staff Member. Failure to cancel a reserved item will result in a ‘no-show’ flag on the account that will affect the ability to borrow museum passes in the future.


Please note that museums may have additional requirements for visitation including but not limited to
operating hours, timed entry tickets, or COVID-19 admission guidelines. Patrons are responsible for
contacting the museum for any additional requirements to entry.


There is no charge to reserve a pass and no deposit is required.

Late Fee: $5 per day. After 1 week, patron must pay the full replacement cost.

Lost/Damaged Pass: Patron is responsible for the full replacement cost.

The River Vale Public Library reserves the right to amend and change these guidelines at any time.


Monday - Wednesday          9 am - 8 pm

Thursday                                9 am - 6 pm

Friday                                      9 am - 5 pm

Saturday                               10 am - 5 pm

Sunday                                   1 pm - 4 pm


412 Rivervale Road
River Vale, NJ 07675


Phone: 201-391-2323

Fax: 201-829-7903


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 2024 River Vale Library

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