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Movies & Music

The River Vale Library offers a wide variety of free downloadable content for all types of devices. All you need is a valid River Vale Library card to utilize these resources. 

hoopla logo

Hoopla allows users to borrow thousands of ebooks, movies, television shows, music albums and audiobooks and stream them right to your PC, smartphone or tablet - all you need is a valid River Vale library card! To learn more click here.

kanopy: films that matter

Kanopy is an on-demand streaming video platform that offers films, TV shows, educational videos and documentaries - all you need is your valid River Vale Library card. Click here to get started.

Roku Logo

Roku devices give River Vale Library cardholders access to the library’s collection of digital movies available to stream directly to your TV. You’ll need a broadband wi-fi network and a TV with an HDMI port. Click here to reserve a device or contact the library for more information.


Monday - Wednesday          9 am - 8 pm

Thursday                                9 am - 6 pm

Friday                                      9 am - 5 pm

Saturday                               10 am - 5 pm

Sunday                                   1 pm - 4 pm


412 Rivervale Road
River Vale, NJ 07675


Phone: 201-391-2323

Fax: 201-829-7903


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 2024 River Vale Library

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